27 May 2011

The Gutenberg Rubric to be released in July

CoverComp1 Today, Nathan Everett and NWE Signatures announce the upcoming release of the 2010 PNWA award-winning thriller, The Gutenberg Rubric in July 2011.


“It seems like this has been a long time coming, but at the same time it has happened so quickly,” Everett said. “It’s a book that came from my love of print history and a fascination with Gutenberg that started when I visited the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, Germany in the early 90s.”


Just months before the completion of the famous Bible that bears his name, Gutenberg was sued by his financial partner for diverting funds to a secret project. When Gutenberg would not share the project, the courts awarded the entire Bible printing business to Johan Fust, leaving Gutenberg with nothing but his secret.


Modern-day rare book librarians Madeline Zayne and Keith Drucker are unlikely heroes crossing the U.S. and Europe to track down the legendary tome Gutenberg was working on. When found, it proves to be an encoded rubric that reveals the final resting place of the Library of Alexandria, hidden by its protectors 2,000 years ago. Greed, fear, biblio-terrorism, and Homeland Security stand between the lovers and the discovery of the world’s greatest collection of ancient documents.


Once inside the library, however, will Keith and Maddie survive to reveal the treasure to the world, or share the tomb of an ancient king?


A signed galley proof of the book is being offered as a prize for #ArmchairBEA this week and eBook review copies will be available early in July. Contact Nathan Everett at wayzgoose@comcast.net to request a review copy or to suggest venues for the book tour in September 2011.

23 May 2011

#ArmchairBEA—The Book Industry’s Premier Virtual Event

Book Expo America (BEA) is the number one industry event for the publishing industry in the United States. It is where publishers announce their upcoming season of books and try to get the hype built. Reviewers, readers, bookstores, distributors, and authors go to the convention at Javits Center in NYC to collect dozens of pre-release and released books (free samples), to make buying decisions, and to compete for a minute of glory on one of the platforms where readings, interviews, technology demonstrations (age of eBooks), and other hype is displayed with high hopes for the future.


I’ve been privileged to attend BEA and be a presenter there in the past. But this year, circumstances prevent my being in NYC. So I’m one of the many who will participate virtually through ArmchairBEA. Organized over the past couple of years as book bloggers and publishers cooperate together through Twitter and blogs, ArmchairBEA has become the book industry’s premier virtual event.


Today, we introduce ourselves. Here goes:

I’m Nathan, AKA Wayzgoose.

Blog address is Writer’s Cramp: http://wayzgoose.livejournal.com/

Websites: http://longtalepress.com and http://nwesignatures.com

Twitter: @wayzgoose

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wayzgoose (mention ArmchairBEA in friend request)

In 140 Characters: Author, Publisher, Book & eBook designer. Working in the virtual world. Living in the real world.

If you could put one book in the hands of everyone you come in contact with, what would it be and why?
Well, that’s easy, it would be my book. Why? Because I love to tell stories and it is so much better when someone is listening.

What book are you looking forward to reading the most in 2011?
Mary Doria Russell’s new offering, Doc. I’ve long appreciated Ms. Russell’s work and after hearing her speak last week, I can hardly wait for my copy to arrive!

If you could have lunch with any author, living or not, who would it be and where/what would you eat?
When it comes down to it, I’m really not that much of a Fanboy when it comes to specific authors. But I think that I’d enjoy a meal with Dorothy Sayers (Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries). I imagine that we would eat at a teashop or pub near Oxford where some of my favorites are set. Ms. Sayers helped introduce me to the concept of reading for pleasure—something that I hadn’t known in my youth.

Giveaways: Officially, tomorrow is Giveaway day, but they start today. Join ArmchairBEA and you will automatically be eligible to receive a free ePUB eBook of Steven George & The Dragon. That’s my promo this week. (Of course, there will be other giveaways from both Long Tale Press and NWE Signatures, including an ARC of my newest thriller, The Gutenberg Rubric!)

11 May 2011

99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Marketing on the Internet

One of the disadvantages of living in your own fantasy world is thinking that what you imagined is what really happened. For example, I imagined that I had posted this blog yesterday in support of Peggy McColl’s new book, but my mind played a trick on me and I found it still on my desk. I think I need to see what is under it. There may be all kinds of things I imagined I told you!


If you have a product or service you’d like to sell, a book you’ll soon release, or a passion you’d like to turn into a business, 99 Things you Wish you Knew Before Marketing on the Internet was written for you! It certainly was for me.


New York Times Bestselling Author Peggy McColl has the tried and true formula to propel your message through the virtual world and land you at your rightful place amongst the stars.

99 Things you Wish you Knew Before Marketing on the Internet makes the daunting task of marketing your product online, a straight forward step by step process so that you, too, can enjoy the same success Peggy has realized in her own life. With collaborator Judy O’Biern, President of Hasmark Service, Peggy gives you a ‘behind the curtain’ peak inside two of the brightest minds in online marketing today.



I wrote about Hasmark and partner launches a few days ago. (Lessons from the Launch-Pad—Partnering) Frankly, I wish I’d read Peggy’s book before I launched Steven George & The Dragon!


If you act now, you’ll be entered to win one of three amazing prizes. And you’ll have free access to a valuable collection of bonus gifts from top authors like Arielle Ford, Eldon Taylor, Deborah King and Caroline Sutherland.




“One of the best things you can do for yourself and your business, if you want to succeed, is to study this book!” – John Assaraf, New York Times Best-selling author of “The Answer and Having it All”

99 Things you Wish you Knew Before Marketing on the Internet was written by the best so it’s got to be good!




This is my first partner launch of a book—a subject that is close to my heart—and I managed to not get it quite right. But you can help redeem my failing memory by visiting Peggy’s site and taking a look at what she has to say. There are going to be more lessons from the launch-pad soon!